Statistics & Research about Elmsford,NY - Wesfair Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Elmsford,NY an area served by Wesfair Agency Inc

Phone : 914-347-6500

Real estate research for area nearby Wesfair Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
North Bellmore 442,500 1837 5.0
Cannondale 395000 NA NA
Bogota 346,400 1171 4.1
Pelham Manor 773,000 1431 2.2
Great Neck Plaza 381,300 1500 4.7
South Valley Stream 462,100 1317 3.4
Redding 622,900 1345 2.6
Crugers 505,300 1096 2.6
Kearny 342,000 1151 4.0
Kaser 400,000 1146 3.4

Number of old houses in places near by Wesfair Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
North Bellmore 416200
Cannondale 1000001
Bogota 350700
Pelham Manor 920800
Great Neck Plaza 397900
South Valley Stream 452600
Redding 636500
Crugers 527000
Kearny 333300
Pequannock 436400
Bedford Hills 477200
Garden City Park 476500
Little Falls 350000
Halesite 650000

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Wesfair Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
North Bellmore 2075
Cannondale 15
Bogota 430
Pelham Manor 531
Great Neck Plaza 61
South Valley Stream 616
Redding 1441
Crugers 72
Kearny 1251
Kaser 263
Pequannock 1625
Bedford Hills 127
Garden City Park 1106
Little Falls 864
Halesite 342

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Wesfair Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
North Bellmore 417
Cannondale 9
Bogota 122
Pelham Manor 491
Great Neck Plaza 43
South Valley Stream 173
Redding 388
Kearny 575
Kaser 60
Pequannock 278
Bedford Hills 34
Garden City Park 254
Little Falls 99
Halesite 115

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Wesfair Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
North Bellmore 466800
Pelham Manor 1000001
Great Neck Plaza 1000001
Redding 915400
Kearny 333100
Kaser 468800
Pequannock 325900
Garden City Park 675000
Little Falls 363100
Halesite 496200