Statistics & Research about Kingston,NY - The Valley Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Kingston,NY an area served by The Valley Group Inc

Phone : 845-331-2255

Real estate research for area nearby The Valley Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lorenz Park 158,800 579 4.4
Montgomery 251,200 1069 5.1
Merritt Park 428,500 2001 5.6
Windham 240,600 810 4.0
Mount Washington 390000 NA NA
Saugerties South 215,900 858 4.8
Salt Point 311500 NA NA
Pleasant Valley 296,400 1239 5.0
Claverack 195,900 885 5.4
Lakeville 432,100 1151 3.2

Number of old houses in places near by The Valley Group Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Lorenz Park 98500
Montgomery 241600
Windham 191500
Mount Washington 316700
Saugerties South 226800
Salt Point 350000
Pleasant Valley 284600
Claverack 209100
Lakeville 414000
Brinckerhoff 830400
Rosendale Hamlet 183600
Clermont 294700
Stottville 194600
Copake Lake 172500

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by The Valley Group Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Montgomery 354500
Merritt Park 428500
Windham 446700
Pleasant Valley 434200
Claverack 229800
Rosendale Hamlet 48200
Clermont 417000
Copake Lake 241700

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by The Valley Group Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Lorenz Park 452
Montgomery 3531
Merritt Park 195
Windham 722
Mount Washington 44
Saugerties South 558
Salt Point 67
Pleasant Valley 1736
Claverack 1172
Lakeville 189
Brinckerhoff 526
Rosendale Hamlet 272
Clermont 360
Stottville 354
Copake Lake 415

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by The Valley Group Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Lorenz Park 54200
Montgomery 255300
Windham 383300
Mount Washington 625000
Pleasant Valley 360800
Claverack 204800
Brinckerhoff 280600
Clermont 290600
Copake Lake 416700