Statistics & Research about Scotia,NY - The Depaulo Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Scotia,NY an area served by The Depaulo Agency Inc

Phone : 518-372-7477

Real estate research for area nearby The Depaulo Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Montgomery County 99,500 703 8.5
Valley Falls 163,100 864 6.4
Saratoga Springs 290,800 928 3.8
Glen 104,700 845 9.7
Brunswick 209,600 947 5.4
Country Knolls 268900 NA NA
Glenville 184,300 909 5.9
Esperance 133,900 651 5.8
Delanson 173,500 900 6.2
Mechanicville 151,900 777 6.1

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by The Depaulo Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Montgomery County 1887
Valley Falls 7
Saratoga Springs 2238
Glen 55
Brunswick 152
Glenville 1168
Esperance 65
Delanson 9
Mechanicville 460
Colonie 3323
Broadalbin 122
Rensselaer County 8009
Schoharie 204
Carlisle 47

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by The Depaulo Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Montgomery County 132700
Valley Falls 275000
Saratoga Springs 302100
Glen 89600
Brunswick 236100
Country Knolls 273900
Glenville 229500
Esperance 75000
Delanson 156300
Mechanicville 155100
Colonie 261100
Broadalbin 164000
Rensselaer County 219400
Schoharie 170800
Carlisle 91700

Number of vacant houses in places near by The Depaulo Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Montgomery County 3181
Valley Falls 15
Saratoga Springs 1646
Glen 105
Brunswick 486
Country Knolls 39
Glenville 874
Esperance 79
Delanson 25
Mechanicville 89
Colonie 1678
Broadalbin 614
Rensselaer County 7414
Schoharie 172
Carlisle 137

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by The Depaulo Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Montgomery County 157800
Saratoga Springs 424500
Glen 97300
Brunswick 296800
Country Knolls 366700
Glenville 271000
Esperance 208900
Delanson 233300
Colonie 406900
Broadalbin 58000
Rensselaer County 290200
Schoharie 117900
Carlisle 229200