Statistics & Research about Saranac Lake,NY - S Curtis Hayes Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Saranac Lake,NY an area served by S Curtis Hayes Inc

20 Broadway
Saranac Lake,NY

Real estate research for area nearby S Curtis Hayes Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Newcomb 158,700 625 4.7
Lewis 116,000 786 8.1
Lake Placid 235,800 720 3.7
Duane 179,200 475 3.2
Harrietstown 151,900 587 4.6
Saranac Lake 148,800 609 4.9
Wilmington 239,900 685 3.4
Jay 155,400 698 5.4
North Hudson 146,300 238 2.0
Franklin County 95,700 643 8.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by S Curtis Hayes Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Newcomb 197
Lewis 224
Lake Placid 477
Duane 78
Harrietstown 972
Saranac Lake 951
Wilmington 311
Jay 365
North Hudson 144
Franklin County 6751
North Elba 1462
St. Armand 192
Keene 197
Tupper Lake 904
Au Sable Forks 80

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by S Curtis Hayes Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Newcomb 36
Lewis 23
Lake Placid 103
Duane 8
Harrietstown 117
Saranac Lake 109
Wilmington 19
Jay 86
North Hudson 10
Franklin County 1145
North Elba 394
St. Armand 17
Keene 120
Tupper Lake 99

Number of vacant houses in places near by S Curtis Hayes Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Newcomb 422
Lewis 129
Lake Placid 819
Duane 94
Harrietstown 1110
Saranac Lake 644
Wilmington 325
Jay 516
North Hudson 222
Franklin County 6107
North Elba 1685
St. Armand 110
Keene 638
Tupper Lake 1000
Au Sable Forks 76

Number of new houses in places near by S Curtis Hayes Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Franklin County 137500