Statistics & Research about Saratoga Springs,NY - S & F North Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Saratoga Springs,NY an area served by S & F North Llc

Phone : 518-584-7600

Real estate research for area nearby S & F North Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mariaville Lake 227700 NA NA
Wynantskill 166,600 904 6.5
Country Knolls 268900 NA NA
Colonie 221,400 985 5.3
Schenectady County 166,600 825 5.9
Duanesburg 209,600 780 4.5
Voorheesville 235,400 995 5.1
Saratoga 210,000 849 4.9
Saratoga Springs 290,800 928 3.8
Westmere 219,200 1086 5.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by S & F North Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Mariaville Lake 121
Wynantskill 226
Colonie 7779
Schenectady County 16474
Duanesburg 445
Voorheesville 217
Saratoga 834
Saratoga Springs 3224
Westmere 832
Guilderland 3806
North Greenbush 1103
Grafton 320
Shaftsbury 360
Tribes Hill 121

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by S & F North Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Mariaville Lake 10
Wynantskill 68
Colonie 3323
Schenectady County 8317
Duanesburg 164
Voorheesville 25
Saratoga 164
Saratoga Springs 2238
Westmere 594
Guilderland 2042
North Greenbush 444
Grafton 78
Shaftsbury 114
Tribes Hill 15

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by S & F North Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Mariaville Lake 332400
Wynantskill 347100
Country Knolls 366700
Colonie 406900
Schenectady County 295200
Duanesburg 268000
Voorheesville 370600
Saratoga 273000
Saratoga Springs 424500
Westmere 550800
Guilderland 426600
North Greenbush 353800
Grafton 261800
Shaftsbury 275000

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by S & F North Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Mariaville Lake 5
Wynantskill 46
Country Knolls 149
Colonie 1359
Schenectady County 2346
Duanesburg 54
Voorheesville 49
Saratoga 75
Saratoga Springs 572
Westmere 132
Guilderland 566
North Greenbush 189
Grafton 67
Shaftsbury 101