About : THE SHULTS AGENCY is a local Independent Insurance Agency. This means we have several companies to quote all of your insurance needs.
Description : SECOND LOCATION:
86 Briggs St
Johnstown, NY 12095
Phone 518-762-8200
Fax 518-762-1400
Hours 8:30 am - 5 pm...Monday - Friday
9 am - Noon...Saturday.
3 Canal St, Fort Plain, NY 13339
Phone: (518) 993-2387
Fax: (518) 993-2302
Distance: 9.2 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
We have 4 tickets to the St. Johnsville American Legion Chicken Barbecue up for grabs!
To enter the drawing like our page and comment below. Be sure to share our post so all your friends can enter too!.
These furry friends belong to Bonnie, our sales manager. Thelma and Louise are sisters who love snuggling together near the woodstove.
Share your furry friend in comments.
Here is a hint for the # of years employed total.... it is between Beth Collins Whitman's guess and Zachary x Tracey Buley's guess.
Clean slate & another chance to win.....Also - Share to give your friends a chance to win the $25 Gift card from Stewarts.