Statistics & Research about Yonkers,NY - Parsons-Di Salvo Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Yonkers,NY an area served by Parsons-Di Salvo Agency

Phone : 914-963-6369

Real estate research for area nearby Parsons-Di Salvo Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
North Lynbrook 462100 NA NA
University Gardens 599,800 970 1.9
East Rockaway 472,000 1478 3.8
Barnum Island 527,400 1880 4.3
Mill Neck 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Ossining 477,200 1352 3.4
South Hackensack 464,400 1361 3.5
Malverne 457,000 1302 3.4
Woodbury 348,300 1568 5.4
Kearny 342,000 1151 4.0

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Parsons-Di Salvo Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
North Lynbrook 9
University Gardens 302
East Rockaway 665
Barnum Island 122
Mill Neck 20
Ossining 3843
South Hackensack 378
Malverne 326
Woodbury 732
Kearny 4848
Suffern 1212
Jericho 485
Congers 389
Wyckoff 487

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Parsons-Di Salvo Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
North Lynbrook 32
University Gardens 413
East Rockaway 700
Barnum Island 25
Mill Neck 23
Ossining 2360
South Hackensack 92
Malverne 84
Woodbury 141
Kearny 2286
Suffern 1200
Jericho 294
Congers 185
Wyckoff 198

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Parsons-Di Salvo Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
University Gardens 276500
East Rockaway 455700
Barnum Island 487000
Mill Neck 1000001
Ossining 486800
South Hackensack 466200
Malverne 431600
Woodbury 339100
Kearny 388300
Suffern 278200
Jericho 699100
Congers 461700
Lake Success 1000001
Wyckoff 761000

Number of blacks in places near by Parsons-Di Salvo Agency

Place name Number of blacks
University Gardens 134
East Rockaway 85
Barnum Island 85
Ossining 3921
South Hackensack 69
Malverne 136
Woodbury 590
Kearny 1387
Suffern 890
Jericho 208
Congers 381
Lake Success 198
Wyckoff 37