Statistics & Research about White Plains,NY - Nfp Property & Casualty Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about White Plains,NY an area served by Nfp Property & Casualty Services Inc

707 Westchester Ave, Ste 201 White Plains
White Plains,NY

Real estate research for area nearby Nfp Property & Casualty Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hewlett 442,400 1513 4.1
Salisbury 451,400 1734 4.6
Westport 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Englewood Cliffs 978,700 2001 2.5
Lyndhurst 394,800 1236 3.8
Great Neck Plaza 381,300 1500 4.7
Highlands 249,700 1401 6.7
Harrison 850,800 1672 2.4
Harrison 334,600 1164 4.2
South Huntington 456,100 1542 4.1

Number of old houses in places near by Nfp Property & Casualty Services Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Hewlett 514400
Salisbury 360000
Westport 991800
Englewood Cliffs 819100
Lyndhurst 374100
Great Neck Plaza 397900
Highlands 242400
Harrison 975000
Harrison 314700
South Huntington 396700
Edgewater 500000
Roslyn Harbor 1000001
Hasbrouck Heights 443800
Sea Cliff 636900
Queens 484500

Number of vacant houses in places near by Nfp Property & Casualty Services Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Hewlett 311
Salisbury 54
Westport 916
Englewood Cliffs 139
Lyndhurst 853
Great Neck Plaza 443
Highlands 362
Harrison 516
Harrison 377
South Huntington 164
Edgewater 448
Hasbrouck Heights 191
Queens 60411

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Nfp Property & Casualty Services Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Hewlett 950
Salisbury 1711
Westport 2408
Englewood Cliffs 632
Lyndhurst 3040
Great Neck Plaza 343
Highlands 1087
Harrison 2545
Harrison 1597
South Huntington 1369
Edgewater 1097
Roslyn Harbor 86
Hasbrouck Heights 1687
Sea Cliff 804
Queens 230687

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Nfp Property & Casualty Services Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Hewlett 87
Salisbury 465
Westport 2125
Englewood Cliffs 588
Lyndhurst 231
Great Neck Plaza 43
Highlands 164
Harrison 1445
Harrison 208
South Huntington 392
Edgewater 40
Roslyn Harbor 113
Hasbrouck Heights 214
Sea Cliff 178
Queens 27898