Statistics & Research about Monticello,NY - M B I A Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Monticello,NY an area served by M B I A Llc

Phone : (845) 796-1500

Real estate research for area nearby M B I A Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Gardiner 352,900 1106 3.8
Gold Key Lake 220400 NA NA
Pocono Woodland Lakes 234,900 488 2.5
Hemlock Farms 250,900 1335 6.4
Wantage 323,400 1176 4.4
Dingman 234,800 1406 7.2
Callicoon 210,900 781 4.4
Fawn Lake Forest 168,200 973 6.9
Honesdale 146,800 620 5.1
Delaware 194,400 813 5.0

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by M B I A Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Gardiner 828
Gold Key Lake 139
Pocono Woodland Lakes 161
Hemlock Farms 345
Wantage 717
Dingman 735
Callicoon 648
Fawn Lake Forest 154
Honesdale 568
Delaware 460
Cochecton 296
Pine Bush 169
Minisink 177
Damascus 560
Olive 959

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by M B I A Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Gardiner 199
Gold Key Lake 5
Pocono Woodland Lakes 31
Hemlock Farms 81
Wantage 117
Dingman 160
Callicoon 85
Honesdale 77
Delaware 154
Cochecton 43
Pine Bush 31
Minisink 44
Damascus 127
Olive 47

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by M B I A Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Gardiner 530500
Gold Key Lake 239000
Pocono Woodland Lakes 273400
Hemlock Farms 313600
Wantage 409000
Dingman 262700
Callicoon 203300
Fawn Lake Forest 325900
Honesdale 218800
Delaware 291700
Cochecton 218200
Pine Bush 220200
Minisink 400400
Damascus 283600
Olive 367300