Statistics & Research about Katonah,NY - Lloyd Bedford Cox Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Katonah,NY an area served by Lloyd Bedford Cox Inc

Phone : 914-232-7750

Real estate research for area nearby Lloyd Bedford Cox Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Bergenfield 359,500 1169 3.9
Viola 554,700 1145 2.5
Eatons Neck 687,500 2000 3.5
Myers Corner 334,900 1766 6.3
Newburgh 289,100 1306 5.4
Ramsey 553,800 1377 3.0
Midland Park 458,700 1494 3.9
Sloatsburg 368,900 1441 4.7
Monsey 571,500 1356 2.8
Titusville 284400 NA NA

Number of whites in places near by Lloyd Bedford Cox Inc

Place name Number of whites
Bergenfield 14901
Viola 7071
Eatons Neck 1259
Myers Corner 5262
Newburgh 23438
Ramsey 13207
Midland Park 6351
Sloatsburg 2725
Monsey 17086
Titusville 453
Lake Carmel 6721
West Point 6215
Ossining 24553
Buchanan 1746
Emerson 6618

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Lloyd Bedford Cox Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Bergenfield 1706
Viola 262
Eatons Neck 12
Myers Corner 6
Newburgh 415
Ramsey 500
Midland Park 397
Sloatsburg 87
Monsey 72
Lake Carmel 304
West Point 5
Ossining 2360
Buchanan 44
Emerson 110

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Lloyd Bedford Cox Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Bergenfield 398100
Viola 490400
Eatons Neck 680700
Myers Corner 343500
Newburgh 269500
Ramsey 583600
Midland Park 491500
Sloatsburg 359500
Monsey 560400
Titusville 296400
Lake Carmel 321700
Ossining 486800
Buchanan 334700
Emerson 559700

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Lloyd Bedford Cox Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Bergenfield 3530
Viola 200
Eatons Neck 182
Myers Corner 1197
Newburgh 5733
Ramsey 1694
Midland Park 989
Sloatsburg 501
Monsey 846
Titusville 84
Lake Carmel 1286
West Point 331
Ossining 3941
Buchanan 370
Emerson 1106