Statistics & Research about Johnstown,NY - Kevlin Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Johnstown,NY an area served by Kevlin Insurance Agency

Phone : 518-762-2205

Real estate research for area nearby Kevlin Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Fort Johnson 95,000 575 7.3
Schenectady 114,800 806 8.4
Niskayuna 255,900 932 4.4
Fulton County 104,400 693 8.0
Fultonville 94,700 681 8.6
Mayfield 127,700 630 5.9
Danube 77,900 772 11.9
Round Lake 191,600 1039 6.5
Roseboom 143,300 640 5.4
Richmondville 155,600 756 5.8

Number of old houses in places near by Kevlin Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Fort Johnson 89300
Schenectady 105600
Niskayuna 202700
Fulton County 87900
Fultonville 86700
Mayfield 111700
Danube 94400
Round Lake 189700
Roseboom 152100
Richmondville 139600
Gloversville 70400
Sharon 124500
Greenfield 163800
Rotterdam 150700
Sharon Springs 115200

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Kevlin Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Fort Johnson 114800
Schenectady 136400
Niskayuna 268100
Fulton County 123900
Fultonville 179200
Mayfield 96000
Danube 75000
Roseboom 125000
Richmondville 100000
Gloversville 135300
Sharon 127500
Greenfield 231700
Rotterdam 177000

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Kevlin Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Fort Johnson 3
Schenectady 960
Niskayuna 581
Fulton County 1053
Fultonville 31
Mayfield 59
Danube 15
Round Lake 12
Roseboom 27
Richmondville 49
Gloversville 334
Sharon 89
Greenfield 101
Rotterdam 329
Sharon Springs 34

Number of blacks in places near by Kevlin Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Fort Johnson 5
Schenectady 13694
Niskayuna 153
Fulton County 868
Mayfield 1
Danube 52
Richmondville 53
Gloversville 424
Sharon 1
Greenfield 74
Rotterdam 542