Statistics & Research about Suffern,NY - Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Suffern,NY an area served by Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Phone : 845-369-9000

Car dealers nearby Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Kmc Motors

Phone: 845-893-3949

Real estate research for area nearby Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Riverdale 352,800 1741 5.9
Randolph 553,600 1178 2.6
Peekskill 326,200 1229 4.5
Viola 554,700 1145 2.5
Beacon 261,500 973 4.5
Fairfield 583,000 1581 3.3
Morris County 446,800 1313 3.5
Wood-Ridge 403,800 1575 4.7
Rochelle Park 365,700 1162 3.8
Yorktown Heights 475,900 883 2.2

Number of whites in places near by Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Place name Number of whites
Riverdale 3472
Randolph 21265
Peekskill 10819
Viola 7071
Beacon 9946
Fairfield 6998
Morris County 407897
Wood-Ridge 6817
Rochelle Park 4478
Yorktown Heights 1468
Kings Point 4668
Prospect Park 3972
Orangeburg 3599
Teterboro 51
Hasbrouck Heights 10258

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Riverdale 406700
Randolph 654200
Peekskill 300800
Viola 468400
Beacon 236400
Fairfield 621600
Morris County 495800
Wood-Ridge 404700
Yorktown Heights 800000
Kings Point 1000001
Orangeburg 457400
Hasbrouck Heights 659100

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Riverdale 31
Randolph 1152
Peekskill 388
Viola 790
Beacon 231
Fairfield 342
Morris County 14843
Wood-Ridge 139
Rochelle Park 93
Yorktown Heights 43
Kings Point 630
Prospect Park 68
Orangeburg 113
Hasbrouck Heights 214

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Herman E Wealcatch Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Riverdale 245
Randolph 3931
Peekskill 738
Viola 615
Beacon 608
Fairfield 869
Morris County 53776
Wood-Ridge 508
Rochelle Park 341
Yorktown Heights 159
Kings Point 479
Prospect Park 290
Orangeburg 296
Hasbrouck Heights 1092