Statistics & Research about Clayton,NY - Grant E Dier Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Clayton,NY an area served by Grant E Dier Inc

Phone : 315-686-5161

Car dealers nearby Grant E Dier Inc

Phinneys Automotive Center

Phinneys Automotive Center, 900 James Street, Clayton, NY 13624, Ph: 800-321-1220
Phone: 800-321-1220

Real estate research for area nearby Grant E Dier Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Three Mile Bay 118,800 648 6.5
Cape Vincent 150,000 430 3.4
Dexter 105,800 574 6.5
Alexandria Bay 98,100 625 7.6
Glen Park 112,500 756 8.1
West Carthage 127,800 1018 9.6
Great Bend 86,400 1283 17.8
Herrings 85,000 633 8.9
Henderson 164,900 812 5.9
Redwood 159,900 1151 8.6

Number of whites in places near by Grant E Dier Inc

Place name Number of whites
Three Mile Bay 98
Cape Vincent 2189
Dexter 1153
Alexandria Bay 1066
Glen Park 406
West Carthage 1749
Great Bend 873
Herrings 82
Henderson 1581
Redwood 475
Brownville 5973
Chaumont 537
Antwerp 1708
Hammond 1540
Theresa 2786

Number of vacant houses in places near by Grant E Dier Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Cape Vincent 1591
Dexter 19
Alexandria Bay 214
Glen Park 15
West Carthage 6
Great Bend 30
Henderson 837
Redwood 37
Brownville 664
Chaumont 39
Antwerp 141
Hammond 823
Theresa 709

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Grant E Dier Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Cape Vincent 289300
Glen Park 112500
Henderson 150000
Brownville 99600
Antwerp 93300
Hammond 49200
Theresa 48000

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Grant E Dier Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Cape Vincent 225000
Dexter 38100
Alexandria Bay 183900
Henderson 255000
Brownville 126100
Chaumont 137500
Antwerp 77500
Hammond 137500
Theresa 150000