Statistics & Research about Copake,NY - First Niagara Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Copake,NY an area served by First Niagara Insurance Agency

1672 RTE 7A
Phone : 518-329-6561

Real estate research for area nearby First Niagara Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Ghent 200,200 846 5.1
Copake 191,700 1050 6.6
Winchester 195,400 917 5.6
Alford 560400 NA NA
Salisbury 517,500 1020 2.4
Clermont 282,800 924 3.9
Canaan 317,300 694 2.6
Chatham 273,300 927 4.1
Saugerties South 215,900 858 4.8
Hillsdale 298,300 1000 4.0

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by First Niagara Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Ghent 236900
Copake 407900
Winchester 302700
Alford 693200
Salisbury 1000000
Clermont 417000
Canaan 275000
Chatham 186700
Hillsdale 337500
Dover Plains 305400
Glasco 233500
Kingston 280000
North East 360600

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by First Niagara Insurance Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Ghent 1131
Copake 1094
Winchester 2206
Alford 171
Salisbury 826
Clermont 360
Canaan 260
Chatham 965
Saugerties South 558
Hillsdale 432
Dover Plains 259
Glasco 366
Kingston 3434
North East 609
Rhinecliff 129

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by First Niagara Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Ghent 74
Copake 106
Winchester 214
Alford 17
Salisbury 381
Clermont 50
Canaan 21
Chatham 154
Saugerties South 22
Hillsdale 73
Kingston 392
North East 107