Statistics & Research about Nanuet,NY - Dechristopher Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Nanuet,NY an area served by Dechristopher Insurance Agency

Phone : (845) 627-7111

Real estate research for area nearby Dechristopher Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Ramsey 553,800 1377 3.0
Harrison 334,600 1164 4.2
Pleasantville 614,000 1544 3.0
Edgewater 553,600 2001 4.3
New Square 575,300 1284 2.7
Montrose 344,900 1445 5.0
Spring Valley 284,000 1146 4.8
Bronxville 913,900 1820 2.4
Yorktown Heights 475,900 883 2.2
Brookdale 381,700 1303 4.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Dechristopher Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Ramsey 1210
Harrison 2136
Pleasantville 483
Edgewater 2687
New Square 357
Montrose 320
Spring Valley 3152
Bronxville 502
Yorktown Heights 124
Brookdale 444
Plandome 7
Hackensack 6116
New York County 252965
Mount Pleasant 2308
West Haverstraw 723

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Dechristopher Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Ramsey 500
Harrison 904
Pleasantville 461
Edgewater 2171
New Square 102
Montrose 133
Spring Valley 3272
Bronxville 353
Yorktown Heights 15
Brookdale 120
Plandome 4
Hackensack 7808
New York County 348537
Mount Pleasant 1762
West Haverstraw 474

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Dechristopher Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Ramsey 583600
Harrison 346700
Pleasantville 544900
Edgewater 379000
Montrose 367000
Spring Valley 288900
Bronxville 937500
Yorktown Heights 560000
Brookdale 405100
Plandome 1000001
Hackensack 295700
New York County 675200
Mount Pleasant 652000
West Haverstraw 264100

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Dechristopher Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Ramsey 1000001
Harrison 483300
Edgewater 616500
New Square 592600
Spring Valley 415400
Bronxville 1000001
Plandome 1000001
Hackensack 350700
New York County 976600
Mount Pleasant 623700
West Haverstraw 585500