Statistics & Research about Hudson,NY - David H Rivenburgh Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Hudson,NY an area served by David H Rivenburgh Agency Inc

1870 ROUTE 9H
Phone : 518-828-5700

Real estate research for area nearby David H Rivenburgh Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Housatonic 257,100 930 4.3
Glasco 199,900 959 5.8
Tivoli 304,700 1269 5.0
Bethlehem 270,900 1093 4.8
Catskill 169,000 905 6.4
Stockbridge 390,600 1004 3.1
Palenville 147,800 900 7.3
West Sand Lake 214,500 628 3.5
Chatham 273,300 927 4.1
Westerlo 176,900 780 5.3

Number of whites in places near by David H Rivenburgh Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Housatonic 1045
Glasco 2139
Tivoli 902
Bethlehem 30476
Catskill 10154
Stockbridge 1788
Palenville 754
West Sand Lake 2535
Chatham 3975
Westerlo 3233
Albany 54920
Pine Plains 2263
Red Hook 10288
Claverack-Red Mills 733
Clinton 4005

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by David H Rivenburgh Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Housatonic 163
Glasco 345
Tivoli 162
Bethlehem 3208
Catskill 1379
Stockbridge 365
Palenville 146
West Sand Lake 222
Chatham 741
Westerlo 542
Albany 14356
Pine Plains 343
Red Hook 601
Claverack-Red Mills 50
Clinton 256

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by David H Rivenburgh Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Glasco 221400
Bethlehem 271700
Catskill 177700
Stockbridge 400000
Palenville 132100
West Sand Lake 227600
Chatham 159400
Westerlo 110300
Albany 183100
Pine Plains 214300
Red Hook 265500
Claverack-Red Mills 216500
Clinton 278000

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by David H Rivenburgh Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Housatonic 15
Tivoli 22
Bethlehem 777
Catskill 277
Stockbridge 188
Palenville 19
West Sand Lake 78
Chatham 154
Westerlo 75
Albany 1700
Pine Plains 67
Red Hook 288
Clinton 213