Statistics & Research about Corinth,NY - Cote Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Corinth,NY an area served by Cote Agency

Phone : 518-654-9021

Real estate research for area nearby Cote Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Perth 158,100 643 4.9
Stillwater 211,200 866 4.9
Malta 249,000 959 4.6
Glenville 184,300 909 5.9
Hagaman 130,000 755 7.0
Argyle 154,700 872 6.8
Hudson Falls 134,000 694 6.2
Greenfield 210,500 1253 7.1
Hartford 150,500 913 7.3
Northampton 165,500 769 5.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Cote Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Perth 403
Stillwater 760
Malta 2208
Glenville 2568
Hagaman 115
Argyle 657
Hudson Falls 809
Greenfield 796
Hartford 197
Northampton 460
Bleecker 136
Washington County 7505
Caroga Lake 316
Warren County 10617
Lake George 803

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Cote Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Perth 117
Stillwater 94
Malta 611
Glenville 1168
Hagaman 56
Argyle 160
Hudson Falls 540
Greenfield 336
Hartford 32
Northampton 133
Bleecker 38
Washington County 2852
Caroga Lake 117
Warren County 4041
Lake George 208

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Cote Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Perth 162900
Stillwater 206500
Malta 214000
Glenville 229500
Hagaman 177500
Argyle 163300
Hudson Falls 179400
Greenfield 203800
Hartford 150000
Northampton 156900
Bleecker 221100
Washington County 164400
Caroga Lake 89100
Warren County 196500
Lake George 237100

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Cote Agency

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Perth 627
Stillwater 1874
Malta 2376
Glenville 5022
Hagaman 269
Argyle 865
Hudson Falls 1043
Greenfield 1845
Hartford 409
Northampton 820
Bleecker 192
Washington County 11948
Caroga Lake 253
Warren County 15704
Lake George 1192