Statistics & Research about Glens Falls,NY - Cool Insuring Agcy Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Glens Falls,NY an area served by Cool Insuring Agcy Inc

Phone : 518-783-2665

Real estate research for area nearby Cool Insuring Agcy Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Washington County 147,000 802 6.5
Warrensburg 154,300 813 6.3
Hudson Falls 134,000 694 6.2
Mechanicville 151,900 777 6.1
Warren County 189,700 829 5.2
Bolton 323,100 827 3.1
Lake George 246,300 893 4.4
Malta 249,000 959 4.6
Moreau 158,500 802 6.1
Cambridge 220,700 869 4.7

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Cool Insuring Agcy Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Washington County 1871
Warrensburg 108
Hudson Falls 230
Mechanicville 187
Warren County 1875
Bolton 233
Lake George 114
Malta 145
Moreau 233
Cambridge 185
White Creek 92
Corinth 113
West Glens Falls 90
North Ballston Spa 10
Greenwich 103

Number of vacant houses in places near by Cool Insuring Agcy Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Washington County 4212
Warrensburg 407
Hudson Falls 186
Mechanicville 89
Warren County 10176
Bolton 1320
Lake George 1047
Malta 397
Moreau 352
Cambridge 116
White Creek 122
Corinth 628
West Glens Falls 156
Greenwich 213

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Cool Insuring Agcy Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Washington County 188900
Warrensburg 228800
Hudson Falls 165800
Warren County 266200
Bolton 279300
Lake George 299000
Malta 306400
Moreau 221600
Cambridge 210700
White Creek 202000
Corinth 237700
West Glens Falls 244500
North Ballston Spa 302500
Greenwich 180700

Number of new houses in places near by Cool Insuring Agcy Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Warren County 221100
Corinth 261100